Data Management

Manage all your data in one place.


A data model is like a blueprint or map for organizing information in a way that's easy to understand and use. Imagine you have a business with different parts, like customers, products, and orders. A data model helps you decide how to organize and store all the details about those things in a structured way, so you can easily find, update, and connect information later.

For example, it might show that each customer has a name, address, and phone number, and each order connects to a customer and includes products. By following this "map," everything stays organized, and you can quickly get the data you need.

Build your Data Models

Easily create your data models without writing a line of code.

Connect to any data source

Bring data from spreadsheets into a single source or ingest data from existing apps and third-party APIs.

CSV Import

Save time by bulk importing your data. Let your team upload spreadsheets and keep using Loopboard while the data is seamlessly processed in the background.

Third Party APIs

Check our CONNECT section to see all the available integrations.

Last updated